About Me

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I have been blessed to be a homeschooling, soccer mom to my three children. I have been married to my best friend for 14 years! He has been my biggest source of encouragement and inspiration. The Lord is taking us on an incredible journey and we are thrilled to serve Him. We pray our testimony and our lives will point others to Him!

A Little More About My Family

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~ Michaelah Rose ~

She is 12 years old and is our book worm. Loves to read, loves her dog Nala, loves horses and is a great soccer and basketball player. Loves to crochet and hang out with her friends. She just started to learn to play the piano and is loving it. She is doing great in school. She is in 6th grade but is excelling in 8th grade work, so we are very proud of her. Her heart is in missions. She loves to tell others about Jesus!  Saved and baptized in 2006
~ James Andrew ~

He is 9 years old and loves soccer, basketball and football. His hero is Tim Tebow. He likes to read but would rather play video games with his dad and call up his papa next door to play with him! He spends time drawing and he loves to play with his American Bulldog: Captain Jack Sparrow. He is learning to play the piano and is also doing great in school. He is in the 4th grade and is excelling in 5th grade work.   He also loves to go on mission trips. We are very proud of him! 
Saved and Baptized in 2008!

~ Katherine Grace ~

Katiebug is our youngest. She is 6 years old. She's got her daddy wrapped around her finger. She looks up to her big sister and is always trying to do what she does. She's very fashionable - you know, everything has to match! She loves soccer and basketball, loves to finger knit, paint, color and loves to help mommy bake! She also loves to spend the night on Friday nights at her papa and grandma's house. She is enjoying school this year! She loves to read and is surprising us by doing third grade Math. She can't wait to go on a mission trip with the family! Saved and baptized in 2011!

Now meet my wonderful husband... My Marine!  Jim and I have been married for 14 years! He is my encourager, my hand-holder, my cheerleader, my prayer warrior, and my best friend. I have been blessed with a husband who not only loves me unconditionally but loves God even more! He's the greatest husband I could have ever asked for. I am especially thankful for his grandmother, one of the Godliest women I know, who followed the Lord voice and sent Jim a list of churches when he was stationed in Southern California. I am really glad he chose my church! I admire his heart for God, people and missions. He simply rocks!